In conjunction with the Botanic Gardens and Plant Bank of Australia.

Something of a departure from his more usual offerings, Simon Bernhardt has produced a series of images and publication that speak to the heart of the human relationship with nature, Genesis.

Stop and consider, for a moment, how the earth would have seemed in those long distant times (perhaps over 565 million years ago), with no trace of animal life? Surely it must have been a deeply mysterious time in the history of our planet.

This is the same sensation that I have when looking at the images that Bernhardt has provided here. Of a wilderness dark and inscrutable, of power, of knowing and yet not knowing. Our special intellect gives us dominion over the earth and everything in it. Our failure to realise the limits of our knowledge makes us as likely destined to fail as the dinosaurs. Our tenure so spectacular, and yet so futile.

To that green planet we owe our very existence.